know if a woman is faking her orgasm

How to know if a woman is faking her orgasm?

The climax point of a sexual encounter characterized by intensely pleasurable feelings is what science defines as orgasm. The muscles in the genitals undergo contraction in a female for a few minutes during orgasm. This is the phase when the pulse rate and heart rate are elevated, and breathing may become heavy. One of the […]

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what is bdsm

What is BDSM and how to find the right partner?

Our lifestyles are choices we make based on our society, upbringing, beliefs and sexual preferences. But to choose something unconventional, your heart and preferences need to overrule everything else. One such commonly practiced but rarely discussed lifestyle is BDSM. The sheer range that BDSM encompasses is inclusive of many different sexual acts and behavior. They all […]

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birth control techniques

Different birth control Techniques

Don’t let the thought of getting pregnant be a barrier between the love you and your partner share. Birth control is an integral part of every couple’s conjugal life. Being a responsible individual it is only natural that you will consider using the best birth control techniques to ensure safety for you and your partner. […]

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spice up sex for married couples

5 tips to spice up sex for married couples

However happy you are in your married life, naturally, your sex life takes a back seat after a few years of your marriage. The excitement is always higher when a new relationship starts, as two people get to know each other for the first time and they are exploring each other. But as a relationship […]

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habits that can ruin your sex life

Habits that can ruin your sex life

Everyone has many quirks and habits which are unconsciously imbibed. We are often not aware of them unless it is pointed out by others. But sometimes, these habits can become reason behind failed relationship and even dissatisfactory sex life. The last thing you want is being embarrassed in front of your partner for some unconscious […]

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sex positions that hits g-spot every time

5 Sex positions that hits the g-spot every time

Making a woman orgasm is tricky, especially through sexual intercourse. The experience of orgasm and sex is unique to every woman and so is their triggering factors. But almost every woman agrees there is a certain spot internally which when stimulates help them achieve an orgasm every time. This is the g-spot and one of […]

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