erotic sex positions for beginners

Erotic Sex Positions for Beginners

If you are craving new sexual adventures, you can quickly learn about erotic sex positions. Sexual positions can mean a world of relaxation for you. It is also about experimenting. Having the best erotic sex positions for beginners will help you achieve the climax of pleasure. Here are a few best sex positions for beginners […]

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everything to know about STD

Everything to know about STD and how to avoid it

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) as the names suggests, transfer through sexual contact. Pathogens causing such diseases can transmit through contaminated blood, semen, vaginal fluid or any kind of body fluids. These can also get transmitted non-sexually as well during pregnancy, child-birth, blood transfusions, and even shared needles. There are many […]

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tricks to make her orgasm faster

5 Tricks to make her orgasm faster

These days, we have become more aware of the mysteries of the female body. One such common buzzword is the female orgasm. Though almost everyone has heard of it, it is rare even for a woman to know what it feels like. But for women who do understand what a real orgasm is, the frustration […]

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get laid after an online date

How to get laid after an online date

The world is getting digitized by the day. Internet penetrates every inch of our lives- personal, professional and all. It is not a surprise that, even dating and courtship have earned new definitions in the digital world. Today there are many online dating apps which let you meet more people and improved your prospects of […]

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